About this Quiz
Now, maybe the expression is a little dismissive of the wolf's general integrity, but "a wolf in sheep's clothing" is a commonly-used expression to describe someone who pretends to be something they're not. They might look like a cute, cuddly sheep, prancing carelessly around fields while grazing daylong on grass and greenery, but they'll heartlessly rip your throat out at the first opportunity.
Indeed, rightly or wrongly, the wolf has a reputation for heartless functionality. Perhaps it's no surprise that a Wolf is a person available for hire who cleans up the bloody detritus of a particularly messy murder!
Bit dark!!!
Well, our fun quiz aims to explore your motivations and actions in the real world to find out how wolf you really are!!! Dare you discover the truth (bearing in mind that this fun quiz has absolutely no grounding in science or psychology)? Are you a snuggly sheep or a wiley wolf? Or something in between?